A deer with a brown coat stands alert in front of dense green foliage, featuring deer-resistant trees. The deer is facing slightly to the left, with its head turned towards the camera, ears perked up and tail partially visible. The scene suggests a natural forest setting.

Deer Resistant Trees and Shrubs

Looking at this list below of Rarely Damaged Trees you will be pleased to find that there are many different deer resistant trees with a varying sizes and foliage types for you to choose from.  

Some are deciduous and some are evergreen depending on where you live.  There are no deer resistant trees that are 100% deer proof. Many of these trees have  toxic or rough or bitter foliage, or a strong odor that repels deer.  The bark of most of these trees may still be damaged by bucks rubbing their antlers.  Trunk tubing or another way of protecting trunks may be needed while trees are young.

Common NameLatin Name
BoxwoodBuxus sempervirens
Japanese PierisPieris japonica
American HollyIlex opaca
Red MapleAcer rubrum
Butterfly BushBuddleja davidii
Common Witch HazelHamamelis virginiana
InkberryIlex glabra
Northern BayberryMyrica pensylvanica
BluebeardCaryopteris x clandonensis
Oakleaf HydrangeaHydrangea quercifolia
Japanese SpireaSpiraea japonica
Arrowwood ViburnumViburnum dentatum
Korean Spice ViburnumViburnum carlesii
Mountain LaurelKalmia latifolia
ServiceberryAmelanchier canadensis
BeautyberryCallicarpa americana
Smoke TreeCotinus coggygria
Japanese AndromedaPieris japonica
Staghorn SumacRhus typhina
Russian SagePerovskia atriplicifolia
Butterfly BushBuddleja davidii
Chaste TreeVitex agnus-castus
Japanese RoseRosa rugosa
Blue HollyIlex x meserveae
Chinese Fringe FlowerLoropetalum chinense
Bay LaurelLaurus nobilis
Heavenly BambooNandina domestica
Chinese JuniperJuniperus chinensis
Japanese CedarCryptomeria japonica
Golden Chain TreeLaburnum anagyroides

January 17, 2025

Ultimate Guide To Pruning Wisteria

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