A dense clump of deer resistant ornamental grass with tall, narrow green leaves and feathery, light brown plumes extending above. The plant is growing in a natural outdoor setting.

Deer Resistant Ornamental Grass

Ornamental grasses are very popular and are being used more and more in landscape design.  Hardy grass adds color and texture to landscapes year-around.  Some grasses have leaf blades with small sawtooth teeth on the edges.  Other grasses have sharp edges that will cut like a honed knife. Below is a chart of deer resistant ornamental grass.  It is possible for deer to eat any plant material if deer populations are high and plant material availability is low, but these varieties should be their last choice.  Planting resistant ornamental grass helps round out the variety of plants in your landscape.  They can be planted in rows to help set up a barrier that may discourage local deer. I have include the state that their state research lists as resistant in their state.





Acorus species
Japanese Sweet Flag Deer resistant grass NJ

Andropogon species
Big Bluestem Deer resistant grass NJ,TX

Aristida purpurea
Purple Treeawn Deer resistant grass TX

Arrhenatherum elatius
Variegated Oat Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Arundo donax
Giant Reed Grass Deer resistant grass NJ,OR,

Bouteloua curtipendula
Sideoats Grama Native to Texas TX

Buchloe dactyliodes
Buffalo Grass Native to Texas TX

Calamagrostis brachytricha

Korean Feather Reed Grass

Deer resistant grass


Calamagrostis species
Feather Reed Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Carex species
Japanese Sedge Deer resistant grass NJ

Chasmanthium latifolium

River Oats/Sea Oats

Native to Southeastern US


Cortaderia selloeana

Pampas Grass

Deer resistant grass


Equisetum arvense
Horsetail Toxic all parts TX

Eragrostus curvula
Weeping Love Grass Deer resistant grass TX, NJ

Erianthus ravennae
Ravenna Grass Deer resistant grass TX,NJ

Fargesia species
Clump Bamboo Deer resistant grass TX,NJ

Festuca glauca
Blue Fescue Deer resistant grass TX,NJ,

Hakonechoa macra
Hakonechloa Deer resistant grass NJ
Helictotrichon sempervirens Blue Oat Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Imperata cylindrica
Japanese Blood Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Juncus effusus
Hard Rush Deer resistant grass NJ

Koeleria glauca
Large Blue June Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Leymus arenarius glausous
Lyme Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Miscanthus floridulis
Giant Japanese Silver Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Miscanthus sinensis

Maiden/Jap. Silver Grass

Deer resistant grass


Molina caerulea
Purple Moor Grass Deer resistant grass NJ

Molina caerulea 'Variegata'
Variegated Purple Moor Deer resistant grass NJ

Muhlenbergia capillaris
Pink/ Gulf Coast Muhly Grass Native to Southeastern US NC

Muhlenbergia dubia
Pine Muhly Native to Texas TX

Muhlenbergia dubiodes
Weeping Muhly Native to Texas TX

Muhlenbergia lindheimeri

Blue Muhly Grass

Native to Southeastern US


Muhlenbergia rigens
Metcalf Muhly Native to Texas TX,

Ophiopogon japonica
Mondo Grass Deer resistant grass TX

Panicum virgatum

Panic Grass/Switch Grass

Native to Southeastern US


Pennisetum alopecuriodes

Fountain Grass

Deer resistant grass


Pennisetum orientale

Oriental Fountain Grass

Deer resistant grass


Phyllostachys aurea
Golden Bamboo Deer resistant grass NJ

Schizachyrium scoparium
Little Bluestem Native to Texas NJ,TX

Sorghastrum nutans

Indian Grass

Native to Southeastern US


Stipa tenuissima

Mexican Feathergrass

Native to Southeastern US


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