Bobbex combination deer repellent

Deer Repellent Combinations for Taste and Odor

Deer repellent combinations for taste and odor give you the best of both worlds. The order keeps them away but if they go ahead and take a bite, the taste makes them stop eating.

Be sure to read our Deer Control Tips so that you know the best choices for deer repellent and a multi-faceted control program

Deer Off Can be applied to vegetable plants and fruit trees up to two weeks before harvest. Tested in a four year study by Rutgers University in New Jersey repelling deer longer than 35 other substances. Lasts 3 months. Made from biodegradable food products, it is safe for humans and the environment. It is both an odor and taste repellent. It does not change the color of leaves or flowers.


Repellex™ This is a two-part system for making plants taste bitter to deer. Start with Repellex Systemic Deer Repellent Tablets. Place tablets into the container, into the soil at planting time or into root contact on more mature plants. In about a month,  the plant tastes bitter to pests. Tablets are also a 14-2-2 fertilizer. For annuals, perennials and deciduous plants, the tablets will last one full growing season. For evergreens and slower growing ornamentals they will last two full growing seasons. While the tablets are taking effect, spray Repellex Liquid Concentrate Deer Repellent for immediate protection. One quart of Repellex Liquid makes one gallon of ready-to-use product. One application makes the plants smell and taste bad. Lasts about 3 months.

Shotgun Deer Repellent

A combination of 6 different natural repellents. Shotgun® made by Bonide Products, Inc. contains putrescent whole egg solids, garlic, and capsaicin, to protect flowers, shrubs, and trees from deer with both an odor and taste deterrent.  Shotgun uses all natural ingredients, and it leaves no visible residue.

Deer Blocker® manufactured by Dr. T, contains putrescent eggs and garlic.  It also contains capsaicin to produce burning in the mouths of the deer.  Applications do not change the color of the leaves or flowers.

Ro-Pel® combines the bitterest tasting substance ever discovered with a non-toxic solvent system to allow it to adhere to different surfaces. Applied full strength,

Ropel has no unpleasant odor.  It can be used on trees, saplings, plants, bulbs, and seeds, but can NOT be used on edible plants or crops. Do not apply on sugar maple trees if the sap is to be harvested for syrup.

One gallon of ready-to-use Ro-Pel® will treat 1,000 to 4,000 square feet.

Liquid Fence® Deer and Rabbit Repellent

Made from putrescent eggs, garlic, sodium sulfate, and potassium sorbate, liquid fence comes with a 100% money back guarantee. One gallon of concentrate will make 16 gallons of spray. It is environmentally safe and dries odorless. It is recommended to spray it on, then repeat one week later, then spray plants once a month thereafter.

Deerbusters Deer I Repellent

Deerbusters premium liquid deer repellent repels deer by taste and odor. Contains highly tested ingredients of putrescent egg garlic hot pepper making this deer repellent safe for children and pets. Forms a long lasting year round foliar spray for shrubbery trees flowers and ornamentals. These natural ingredients will not leave an offensive odor to people and our repellent can be applied without fear of discoloration or residue on flowers and other delicate plants. A special rain resistant formula allows for up to 3 months of residual on all plant types. Deerbusters Deer Repellent Sprays have also been used to repel rabbits. 1 gallon of concentrate treats 1200-1600 4 ft high shrubs or flowers and makes 8 gallons.

Comments From Readers

by Marc Hirsch
(Roanoke, VA)

We live in Roanoke County, VA. Moved from mid-Michigan where we had deer, but they weren't nearly as aggressive and were more selective about what they ate. I tried all of the things I used in MI as repellants, and the only thing I have found here is Deer Off. My neighbor uses it too, and our plants are all OK. Just have to apply it once a month or after a rain. Little bars of soap are OK on fences, but the rodents eat them. The dog hair remedy doesn't work at all.

I agree - good product
by: Anonymous

I also have used Deer Off. I used it for a couple of years when I had hundreds of hostas. I knew that I was one day past when I should have sprayed again.I go out the door and find only hosta blooms, no foliage at all. Put a date to respray on your calendar and Deer-Off will work well, or make your own. The recipes with eggs and peppers and garlic with some oil or "sticker" work just as well and are much cheaper.

Purchased Deer Off at a commercial home center. After two (2) days with no rain, they were back. I should left forks, napkins and plated at their disposal. Garden ravished. Home made remedies were much more effective.

by Bonnie
(Central Texas)

Deer Out
Spray on repellant. Pretty effective, fairly expensive. Eco-friendly and non-toxic, has a nice peppermint fragrance. I live in Central Texas and re-apply every couple of weeks.

Hav-a-Hart Deer Repellant
A mechanism based on a spike water sprinkler with motion detector. Very effective, but has some limitations and is fussy to use. Range is limited to about 12 feet wide by 20 feet distance, so it protects only a small area. Batteries do not last very long, requires the small square radio battery (6 volt?) every 30 - 60 days. Lasts longer if you turn off the unit during the day. You'll get a shower if you walk in the sensor area and have forgotten to turn off the water. Requires attachment to water hose.

by Jennday Talley
(Nashville, IN, USA)

I love to have all kinds of plants and flowers in my yard. I live in the woods of Brown County Indiana. The surrounding woods and hills make it a fabulous and ideal home for deer. have many deer resistant plants and flowers but I have a weakness for sunflowers and lillies. (The deer love the buffet they get from time to time!!!) However, i do try to keep it all sprayed with Liquid Fence. It says that it remains in the rain, but I have not experienced this. We have to apply at least two times a week and more if it rains. I have re planted my sunflowers already this year and they have scalped a few stargazers and our tomato plants... I am going to try the home mode recipes listed so I don't have to buy the store brands any more!!!

by Josie

I take dial soap (this year I'm switching to Irish Spring) and push a hole in a half bar with a philips head screwdriver. Then I take a plastic cable tie, put it through the hole in the soap and hang it around whatever shrub or sapling I want to protect. The soap's stinky scent has been effective for me in repelling the deer. However-if you hang them around a sitting area-you, too, get to breathe in that lovely scent of Dial soap-but aside from the occasional drawback of the whiff of Dial, I've found it is both cheap, effective and lasts the whole season!

by Christine Beatty
(Hope NJ USA)

I was having the hardest time keeping deer out of my garden. They ate my Hosta's, Sting Beans even my Peppers. I went to the store and all they had was a red bottle with a stop sign on it, looked good to me. I bought it and left the bottle in my car. I woke up at 1 in the morning and turned on the light, that's right....Deer eating my plants. So I scared them away and sprayed all my veggies and flowers, I still see the deer in the yard but no more damage. It really works. Comment - Peppermint leaves are a good deer repellent plant as well as spearmint and pineapple mint. You can also put some of the leaves of the mint in with some of the homemade deer repellent recipes on this site.

by Glenn

I use to do a lot of bow hunting for deer years ago. As I was sitting high in a tree many times I would watch a deer approaching me from downwind. As soon as it picked up my scent the nose would go up in the air, snort and take off running. I make a large garden in the middle of deer country every year with no fence or expensive deer repellents. Every spring I see deer tracks in the fresh tilled soil every morning. Remembering my hunting experince I drive a metal post in each corner of the garden and in the center. On each post I hang a well worn piece of clothing or cap or funky sock. This should be somthing worn for a day and sweat in while working or playing. My favorite is a sweaty t shirt or funky sox. I never see a deer track again or have any deer damage. Occasionally I will replace the soiled clothing every few weeks or so. It works great for me all year without any fence.

by Lin

Dried bloodmeal works for me. It is a bit stinky and has to be reapplied after a hard rain

by Leah Hileman
(Ottawa Hills Ohio)

I am a Master Gardener and have been gardening on the flood plains of Ottawa Hills, Ohio for 16 years. We have a park to the north and meadow open areas to the south east. There are two known deer paths within view of our front and backdoors. In other words, the deer have a challenge for us long before they were for other gardeners. We discovered Liquid Fence 10 years ago and it works great! Now they have pellets and that really helps with super tough areas like hosta beds. It is endorsed by the American Gardeners Association and more importantly is readily available at Lowes and other major garden center-check it out!

by tim

The product works great. The key is to put it on when plants first start growing and apply more often for faster growing plants since the product can only protect the portion of the plant that it is applied to. It is not a systemic. This is really critical for plants like daylilies when they are producing flower buds. If you don't apply to the buds as they appear and again as they are getting ready to bloom, the deer will nibble the end of the bud since it will not have any spray on it if you only sprayed when the buds were very small. During peak growth here in Michigan, I apply about every two or three weeks to the daylily buds but for most plants just once a month. Typically just a quick squirt is enough - I never drench a plant.

by Ray K The Big Guy

Had a deer problem with these varmints chewing away my cedar hedges. Bought two bottles of a deer repellent at about $34.a spray bottle. It worked well for two weeks and kept the deer away but burned a hole in my wallet......I now use my own urine to spray cedar trees and deer favorites, the tulips. Works better without the cost....

by Bruce

Northern sea oats (Chasmanthium latifolium) is an ornamental grass that grows 24"-36" high in loose clumps of green foliage. Its name derives from its seed pods, which look like oats. This deer-resistant ornamental grass is cold hardy to zone 5. Should you wish to mass together several clumps of an ornamental grass variety in the middle row, northern sea oats would be an excellent choice.

by: Jannie Mae

I also have had great success with this ornamental grass, and the 'sea oats' are lovely in dried arrangements. Actually the deer did not bother any of my ornamental grasses which include Maiden Grass (watch out for this one, it's blades are like a razor), Giant Miscanthus, Flame Grass, and Japanese Bloodgrass

by Ron
(Hedgesville, WV)

Dwarf Alberta Spruce - have not been eaten by deer for 3 years

Pacasandra - survived about 5 years with no eating by deer, but this past year, deer ate the tops off, but the plants grew new leaves

Daffodils - have flowered

Deer ate Iris, plants & bulbs survived, but no blooms

by karen swaine
(Highland Park, NJ)

Viburnum carlesii is happily never bothered by deer here in central NJ. On the other had, Ilex crenata and all Rhodies (which you list as deer resistant) are eaten by deer frequently.

by Carol
(Sandpoint, Idaho)

I'd like to comment on the deer resistance of Cornus Sericea (Red Ozier Dogwood)- NOT resistant!...I live in N. Idaho where the dogwood is native, and I have several customers w/dogwood in the cultivated landscape - deer mow's them down all season long...Crazy!

by Susan
(Soquel, CA; USA)

Another perennial you might add to the deer resistant list are Watsonia. I think that's what they're called.
We have upteen million of these and the deer leave them alone; after a couple years you can divide the plant and keep on going (which is why we have so many). They're great for cut flowers, and are heavy producers. Tall spikey leaves similar to Glad's, with tall stems with bell shaped flowers. Very pretty. They're not quite open yet or I'd attach a picture, the color's we know of are White, a bright Pink, an Orange and purplish tone.

by Joe
(Kelseyville, Ca.)

I live on 5 acres in N. Ca. Deer are prevalent! But, I found a good cure BLOOD MEAL!! Not only does it it fertilize--but it keeps the deer away!! Apply liberally all over your yard.

by Andrew

A few years ago, I planted a small Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis), where the deer can easily reach it. They have never touched it, although last year they demolished a pumpkin plant right next to it, as well as every one of my daylilies this year. I live in Maryland, just outside of Washington, DC.

I have a "weed" that has established itself in the rose bed. I've never had it before, so am not up on its' identification. It looks like Tansy, may be a variety of it from the drawing on Wikipedia. The leaves are a bit wider than the drawing; it has the yellow flowers, but the button is developing into a little daisy with skinny petals. It has an unpleasant odor, not repulsive. A couple of the plants have a gray color instead of green.

It has grown 5.5 feet high and is actually overtaking the roses, so I ripped some up and threw them over the fence, where I occasionally throw other things that deer will eat. They won't touch them!!! No doubt the odor has turned them off. So far the plants have dried up and no animal has eaten them.

Now, last week a deer got into the garden briefly, as I noticed a few rose branches eaten, but he/she didn't go near the place where the "tansy" is growing. That doesn't mean much, I know. Possibly it was a small deer, as they are not too knowledgeable about plants.

From the webmaster: I have a MS in Horticulture, and it looks like Tansy to me. I used to grow a lot of it and it has a strong smell. The herb is used for some medicinal applications, but it is toxic to down right poison, so you shouldn't have to worry about the deer eating it. If you want to put it in a better place, wait until it dies down this winter, dig it up, divide the crown with a knife, and then plant you new pieces wherever you want to deter the deer and rabbits. It can be pruned down if it is leggy and you want to keep it bushier.

Comments on Tansy - It is tansy ragwort.
So poisonous like ragwort was described but looks like "ordinary " tansy.  

I agree with you it is Tansy which are widely grown in the western world. I Myself is a horticulture specialist and the smell coming from them is unpleasant and make you uncomfortable. I got all the good information from google and the Tansy is natural deer repellant. I have planted so many trees to protect the garden from deer and it also protects from snakes

I was very worried about my garden as it was not safe from insects and deers. I have read about deer resistant plants, homemade deer repellent and deer fencing to secure the garden from your blog. It was really good experience. Thanks

Just found out, Americans use Tansy to mean Senecio jacobea (deadly poisonous), while we Brits use Tansy to mean Tanacetum vulgare (a mildly toxic plant used as a herb). Use Latin names to double check plants if you don't want to kill yourself or your animals by using common names!

I read somewhere that you should wear gloves when handling it, due to it's toxic nature. the first group of plants I hacked down as they were 6' tall and falling on my roses. Sorry Tansy lovers. Anyhoo, I used my bare hands and felt/feel fine, then I read the warning article. So now to be safe I wear gloves.

It is now going to seed, so I should have a million tansy plants to deal with next year. Stitch in time, but was too busy with other projects

by Carmen
(Cary NC)

Along the side of my house I have planted hosta, coral bells and coleus. The deer have eaten the hosta and bells right down to the ground, but have not touched the coleus. Comment- Coleus is one among the different plants that the deer will not eat. The coleus comes under the category of annuals. So these plants can be called as the deer repellants if they do so. It is good to plant this.

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