Pinterest Setup for leads

Pinterest Traffic Audio Course

Pinterest Traffic Course- Downloadable mp3's

Overview of Course

Congratulations on getting access to this audio course on getting Pinterest traffic for leads. First things first, I want to talk about the mindset, and we really want to focus on quality over quantity. And what do I mean by that? What I mean is that this is not about how much traffic that you can get from your Pinterest images, but rather how much quality traffic that you can get from Pinterest.

So as long as you're thinking of, okay, rather than getting thousands of visitors to my Pinterest, and while that is good, you would rather have 10 or 50 or even a 100 people who are super targeted. People who really want to learn more about your pin and more about what you're having to offer rather than somebody who is just clicking to just click. And of course, over time you'll want to get thousands of high-quality traffic as well.

Here's a quick overview of what we're going talk about in this audio course. 

Audio 1 Pinterest Traffic Introduction

Introduction to the 8 lessons.

Audio 2 How Pinterest Works

Before we can actually talk about how to get traffic from Pinterest, you first and foremost have to understand how Pinterest works. Because a lot of times we assume that all social media platforms work very, very similar.

And while, yes, there is an element of truth to that, the reality is that Pinterest works very different compared to that of Instagram, or Facebook, or YouTube, or any other social media platform as well.

Audio 3 Quality Over Quanity

Then, in audio number 3 will talk about quality, and how to make sure that the images to your content and all of that is high quality. And what exactly do we mean by that? And what does the funnel look like from the point of attracting the person, to pinning the image, to looking at the image, to getting them over to your content, and all of that.

Audio 4 Congruency

Audio 4 will cover congruency. Congruency basically means that everything is consistent from the images attracting the right person, to getting them over to the content, and giving them exactly what they want and what they desire, and the reason for the click in the first place.

Because believe it or not, a lot of people when they create marketing campaigns, they totally forget about congruency. So they might make a certain image, but when they get people over to a piece of content it is unrelated. And then of course, they wonder why nobody is converting because at the end of the day it's not congruent. So we'll make sure that you're on the same page in terms of that and how that works in real life.

Audio 5 Ideal Image Details

 In audio number 5, we talk about visual real estate. So visual real estate is essentially in this case an image. Now how big should the image be? Should it be a small image? Should it be a large image? What size converts the best? So we'll talk more about that in that particular audio.

Audio 6 Making Your Ideal Images

Audio number 6, we're going to talk about what your images look like.  Also,  what exactly should I put in my images? Is there a formula? Is there a blueprint?

Audio 7 Step-By-Step Blueprint

Audio number 7 you will hear a breakdown step by step of what every single image should contain at minimum.

Audio 8 Reverse Engineering

Audio number 8, we'll talk about the reverse engineering hack. And this little hack here is going to help you figure out some ideas on different images, different angles, and all of that, in terms of what you should create. Because a lot of times when you start from scratch, you're thinking, well, what kind of images are pin worthy, or what people would want to pin, what people would want to look at.

Because you have to remember on Pinterest that you are competing with thousands of other people who have thousands of other amazing images. So if your image does not stand out, then it's going to be essentially put away and not even looked at comparing to the other beautiful images, if that makes sense.

Audio 9 Automation

Audio number 9, covers pin automation. Essentially, this is a bonus audio to show you how to automate the whole tedious, boring, time-consuming process.


So obviously you're going to need to have a Pinterest account, You'll need to have a blog or a site with high quality content. If you don't have it right now that's totally fine, but you will need to have one because you don't really want to direct people directly from your image directly to your sales page, because people don't know you.

People are still warming up to you. So we'll tell you a little bit more in terms of the funnel, and how to set up your marketing campaign.  The high-quality content creates a buffer between your sales page and the image or your opt in page.

So you get them on your list, they sign up, you build a relationship with them, and then you warm them up. So you got to remember these are people that you don't know, these are not people that know you. And of course, this is optional, but you'll need some money if you want to make your images look professional and appealing.

So if you're not a photographer and you don't really want to hire a photographer and go about doing that, that way you can always purchase what we call royalty free images that are already professionally made that can fit your niche.  With green industry photos, you have to double check the accuracy.  Many photos of plants, insects, diseases, turf, etc. are labeled wrong on the internet.

Yes, Pinterest can help your local lawn or landscape company.  You can use the leads to get more people to your website, which will help your google rankings from increased traffic.  It will also help in other ways. Having that Pinterest icon on your website so that customers and viewers can send your photos to their friends on Pinterest spreads your name out to others. It doesn’t take a lot of time, it is free, just take a rainy day and do it.

Enjoy the audio files.  This is part of our Listen and Learn While You Work Series. Check out our other downloadable courses.

Audio 1 Introduction to Pinterest Traffic

Audio 2 How Pinterest Works

Audio 3 Quality over Quanity

Audio 4 Congurency and Consistancy

Audio 5 Ideal Image Details

Audio 6 Attractive Images

Audio 7 Step-by-Step Blueprint

Audio 8 Reverse Engineering Hacks

Audio 9 Posting Automation

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