lawn care business mindset

Breaking Free of Negative Emotions Cheat Sheet For Lawn Care Business Owners

Identifying Negative Emotions

Bottling up your emotions can lead to allergies, nausea, constipation, headaches, sleep disorders, and disease. Break free of negative emotions before they ruin your business. The way your body reacts to emotions will help you identify them. Once you've pinpointed the negative emotion, you can try to control it.

Why We Hold on to Pain and Anger

Our negative experiences create the patterns we follow. The brain maps out the pattern according to your response to the experience. For example, if you were told to go to bed as punishment in your childhood, you're likely to associate bed with fear and sadness.

 Signs of Harboring Negative Emotions

Check whether you’re constantly giving in to negative emotions such as pessimism, vengefulness, or addictive behavior. If you are, forgiveness is the first step towards happiness.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Investigate the EFT Technique which is a blend of acupressure and affirmations. It's a tried and tested method which can bring relief quickly. A wide range of negative emotions can be cured through this technique and the effects are usually permanent.

Expecting Too Much

Learn to be realistic about your capabilities and those of others. You create your own world and you can only blame yourself if things don't go according to plan. Avoid taking people for granted. If you lead a self-centered, meaningless life full of self indulgence, you can't expect a positive outcome.

Dealing with Heartache

There are many ways to heal a broken heart. Learn to let go when it's time. If you want to find love, don't allow an inferiority complex to hold you back. Rejection doesn't mean you're unworthy. It's just a matter of finding the right partner and not making them the center of your life. Preserve your independence and individuality. 

Ways to Overcome Heartbreak and Move On

Write your feelings down in a journal. This will give you a good idea of what to look for in the future and what to avoid.

Ask yourself whether you're always attracted to those who cannot contribute to your happiness.

Sweep away all memories of your failed relationship and imagine you're sweeping away negative emotions from your heart.

Devote time to your hobbies and the activities you used to enjoy.

Exercise to keep yourself happy, fit and healthy, but don't overdo it or it could lead to exhaustion.

Shift the focus from your misery to the lives of your friends. How are they faring? Talking to them about your feelings will lighten the load.

Forgive your ex. Be grateful for the joy you shared and the lessons you learned because of your relationship. Forgiveness is a prerequisite for future happiness.

Cultivate your spiritual self. Once you discover the joy within, you won't be desperate to find it in the transient external world.

Give a needy dog or cat a loving home and you'll get unconditional love in return. Pets are the best stress busters and mood lifters.


Natural Remedies to Help Control Depression and Negative Emotions


Research has shown that exercise is a more effective cure for depression than pills. Exercise 3-4 times a week for half an hour. Walk briskly, do yoga, go the gym, swim, dance, run, cycle. Exercise releases natural endorphins which give you a feeling of well-being.


Pranayama (Deep Breathing)

According to Leonard Laskow M.D., you can balance your emotions by practicing pranayama, a yogic deep breathing technique. It’ll also help you banish the feeling of isolation, thus preventing illness. In fact, pranayama has long been known to alleviate depression, negative emotions, and anxiety disorders. Basic pranayama is easy to master.

Tai Chi

Find a good Tai Chi teacher. This gentle and slow ancient Chinese exercise reduces stress, improves health, balances the emotions, and keeps you youthful.


Reiki for Emotional Healing

The healing symbols of reiki were discovered in the Buddhist sutras by the Japanese Professor Mikao Usui. They are believed to have been used by The Buddha. Reiki will balance your emotions, help you sleep better and heal physical ailments. Look for a reiki healer or learn the method yourself.

The Importance of Gratitude

It helps to remember your blessings when you're feeling down. Once you begin to appreciate and feel grateful for simple pleasures, you can create a bright future for yourself. Be grateful for each employee, each customer.  Grateful you can walk and talk and are smart enough to build a business. 


Writing is cathartic. Unburdening yourself on paper strengthens the immune system, and gives you an idea of your destructive patterns and the physical symptoms that accompany or precede negative emotions such as anger and depression.  There are a lot of great journals out there with prompts to help you get out emotions and thoughts that could be holding you back.  

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