man making video for lawn business

Guide To Video Marketing For Lawn Care Companies

Video Marketing For Your Lawn Care Business

If your business or blog hasn’t hopped on the video marketing train yet, let me tell you, you’re leaving money on the table! Seriously, video marketing is like having a secret weapon in your arsenal. It’s not just engaging; it’s downright influential and can skyrocket your profits like nothing else.

Picture this: with video, you can snatch attention like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. You will establish authority faster than you can say “marketing guru.” It’s a game-changer, my friend. So, if you haven’t started leveraging the power of video marketing, what are you waiting for?

Now, for those of you already in the video marketing game, kudos! But hold up just a sec. Are your videos hitting the mark? Because let’s be real, if they’re not up to snuff, they could do more harm than good. Your audience expects top-notch quality, and anything less could tarnish your brand faster than you can say “oops.”

That’s where this guide swoops in to save the day. By reading this, you’ve taken the first step toward unleashing video marketing wizardry like never before. We’re talking about creating jaw-dropping, mind-blowing videos. Videos that not only sell but leave your competition eating dust.

What is video marketing, and why does it work for lawn care companies?

Video marketing is like the rockstar of online promotion. It’s all about spreading your message through the power of video. Whether that’s on YouTube, Vine, Vimeo, or even your own website. And here’s the kicker: once you’ve crafted that masterpiece, you’ve got to get it in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Cue the magic of platforms like YouTube, with its built-in audience hungry for content like yours.

But hey, don’t stop there! Be creative. Spread your video love far and wide, across every platform that’ll have you. Because when it comes to video marketing, the sky’s the limit, my friend. So buckle up and get ready to take your business to the stars!

Ever wondered why video marketing is the Holy Grail of online promotion? Well, buckle up because we’re about to take a thorough analysis into what makes it so darn successful.

First, let’s break it down. Video marketing is like having your own personal megaphone on the web. It’s all about spreading your message through the power of video, whether that’s on YouTube, Vine, Vimeo, or even your own website.

And here’s the kicker: once you’ve crafted that masterpiece, you’ve got to get it in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Cue the magic of platforms like YouTube, with its built-in audience hungry for content like yours.

But what sets video marketing apart from the rest? 

For starters, video is the ultimate attention-grabber. Seriously, our brains are wired to tune in when there’re moving images and sound involved. It’s like trying to look away from a mesmerizing campfire—it’s just not going to happen. And the best part? You don’t even need to be actively reading or clicking. As soon as that video plays, you’re hooked. It’s like having a magnetic force field around your content, pulling people in without them even realizing it.

But here’s where it gets juicy: video isn’t just a passive experience. Oh no, it’s your golden ticket to authority and trust-building. Think about it: when was the last time you saw a cringeworthy, poorly produced video and thought, “Yep, I’m going to buy whatever they’re selling”? Probably never.

Production Values

That’s why it’s crucial to maintain top-notch production values. You want crisp HD imagery, flawless editing, and professional narration that screams, “I mean business.” And hey, don’t stress about breaking the bank or becoming a Hollywood director overnight. This guide has got you covered with all the insider tips and tricks you need to create killer videos that’ll leave your competition shaking in their boots.

But wait, there’s more! Once you’ve dazzled your audience with your cinematic masterpiece, you’ve got the perfect opportunity to seal the deal. With video, you can speak directly to your customers or potential customers. Showi off your passion and expertise like never before. It’s like having a one-on-one conversation with every viewer, building trust and authority with every word you say.

Plus, throw in some killer background music and you’ve got yourself a recipe for an emotional connection that’ll have your viewers reaching for their wallets faster than you can say, “Sign me up.”

Statistics of Video Marketing for Lawn Care

Still not convinced?  Check out these mind-blowing stats:

One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. Yep, you read that right. (People actually speak about 150 words per minute but 1.8 million is considered the impact).

100 million internet users watch online video every single day.

90% of online shoppers say that video helped them with their buying decisions.

And get this: YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world after Google!

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to unleash the power of video marketing and take your business to new heights. Trust me, once you start, there’s no looking back.

Creating Videos To Draw Attention 

So, you want to create videos that not only grab attention but also scream “professionalism” without breaking the bank? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Because let’s face it, if your videos look like they were shot on the moon, your audience won’t stick around long enough to hear what you have to say. And worse yet, they might just assume your products or services are as inferior quality as your footage.

But fear not, my friend. Even if you’re not packing Spielberg-level skills or a blockbuster budget, there are still plenty of tricks up our sleeves to help you produce jaw-dropping videos that’ll leave your viewers begging for more.

Video Quality

First things first: let’s talk about video quality. If you’re capturing footage, whether it’s showcasing your latest service or giving a behind-the-scenes peek at your business, you need to make sure it’s top-notch. That means crisp resolution, buttery-smooth frame rates, and crystal-clear sound.

Now, I get it. Not everyone has access to a fancy DSLR or a crew of cinematographers. But here’s the good news: you don’t need them! Believe it or not, some of the most stunning footage can be captured right from your pocket—yes, I’m talking about your smartphone. With smartphones packing cameras capable of 4K resolution, like the Galaxy Note 4, you’ve got a Hollywood studio in the palm of your hand.

And if you’re still not convinced, don’t sweat it. Borrowing a friend’s camera is fair game, especially if it means elevating the quality of your content. Trust me, a quick ask can go a long way. And as your video marketing efforts increase your sales, you can always level up your gear for even crisper shots and smoother pans.

Let’s not forget about the sound. What good is a stunning video if your viewers can’t hear a word you’re saying? Ideally, you’ll want a separate microphone to capture every crisp syllable. But if that’s not in the cards, just make sure you’re not filming in an echo chamber or next to rush-hour traffic. A quiet room with good acoustics is your best friend for capturing clear, professional sound.

Set The Scene

Now that you’ve got your camera ready to roll, let’s talk about setting the scene for success. Because trust me, it’s not just about pressing record—it’s about creating an environment that screams “professionalism” louder than a Hollywood premiere.

First up: lighting. It’s the unique advantage that can make or break your video quality. Picture this: a well-lit room sets the stage for you to shine like a star. Whether you’re splurging on professional lighting gear or making do with a trusty desk lamp, the goal is simple—light up your space like the Fourth of July.

But here’s a pro tip: for that extra touch of cinematic magic, aim for what we like to call “Rembrandt lighting.” That’s fancy talk for casting dramatic shadows that add depth and contrast to your footage. And remember, avoid filming with glaring light sources directly behind the camera—it’s a recipe for disaster.

Location, Location, Location

Next up: location, location, location. A cluttered bedroom? Not going to cut it. You want a backdrop that screams “I mean business.” Think infinite white backdrops that make you feel like you’re floating in the Matrix—or better yet, head outdoors for a neutral setting that puts the focus squarely on you.

And speaking of backdrops, get creative! Whether it’s showcasing industry books or flaunting your logo on a poster, the goal is to create a backdrop that’s as captivating as your content. Just remember, less is more—no need for distracting software gimmicks here.


Now, let’s talk about presentation. Lights, camera, confidence! But let’s be real. Not all of us were born with the gift of gab. That’s where a killer script comes in handy. Trust me, a well-written script can turn even the most tongue-tied presenter into a smooth-talking pro. And hey, don’t forget to slow down, enunciate, and project your voice like you’re speaking to a packed auditorium.

And as for your wardrobe? Think business meeting chic, not weekend loungewear. After all, you never know who’s watching—so dress to impress, my friend. And a little makeup hurt anyone, just keep it classy. Nobody wants to do business with Ronald McDonald, am I right?


Last but not least, let’s talk editing. It’s where the real magic happens. From smoothing out pauses to crafting seamless transitions, editing can take your video from amateur hour to Oscar-worthy masterpiece. And don’t be afraid to get creative—multiple camera angles and dynamic shots can add that extra flair that sets your video apart from the rest.

Now that you’ve got your footage locked and loaded, it’s time to sprinkle some editing magic and make your video truly shine. And trust me, it’s all about those little details that separate the amateurs from the pros.

Transitions and Effects

First up: transitions and effects. While they can add a touch of pizzazz to your video, less is definitely more. Skip the flashy gimmicks and stick to subtle slide-ins between edits. Think smooth fades at the beginning and end—nothing too fancy, just enough to keep your viewers’ eyes glued to the screen.

Now, let’s talk about software. While Windows Movie Maker might cut it for basic edits, investing in premium software like Adobe Premier and After Effects can take your videos to the next level. Sure, it’s pricier, but trust me, it’s worth every penny. Plus, with a Creative Cloud subscription, you’ll get access to a complete suite of tools to unleash your creativity.

Show Them You Are A Pro

But we’re not done yet. It’s time to add those extra touches that scream “pro.” A sleek video opener can elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Whether you create one yourself or enlist the help of a pro on Fiverr, a polished intro sets the stage for success.

And don’t forget to slap your logo on there. It’s a simple yet effective way to boost brand recognition and protect your content from would-be thieves. Need a logo? No problem—sites like 99Designs have got you covered.

Now, let’s talk about music. A killer soundtrack can take your video from good to great, so choose wisely. Whether you opt for stock music or splurge on a custom composition, make sure it complements your content and doesn’t overpower your voice.

With all these tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be creating professional-grade videos that turn heads and drive results. And hey, if you’re not quite ready for your close-up, no worries—there are plenty of video types that don’t require you to be center stage. So go ahead, lights, camera, edit your way to success!

Video Type Options

If the thought of stepping in front of the camera sends shivers down your spine, fear not—there are plenty of video options that don’t require you to be the star of the show.

Take marketing videos, for example. You can create engaging content using dynamic images accompanied by voiceovers or subtitles, much like a PowerPoint presentation brought to life. Or, if you’re feeling bold, why not think outside the box and come up with something entirely unique and quirky?

Let’s break it down. For your debut video, consider a format that aligns with your goals and is manageable for you as you hone your skills.


First up: adverts. A well-crafted commercial can work wonders for selling your product and boosting brand recognition, even in the digital realm. Whether you opt for a narrative-driven approach, a testimonial showcase, or a straightforward pitch, there’s a format that suits every level of creativity.

And here’s a pro tip: if you’re not keen on being on camera, consider creating a PowerPoint-style presentation with voiceover narration. It’s a tried-and-true method that’s not only easy to produce but also highly effective at driving conversions. Plus, you don’t even need a camera—all you need is an interesting story and a dash of creativity.

So why does this type of video work so well? It’s simple—it’s accessible, professional-looking, and, most importantly, it gets results. And in the world of online marketing, results speak volumes.

With these versatile video formats at your disposal, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging content that captivates your audience and drives your business forward—no camera jitters required.

Viral Videos

Now, let’s delve into the world of viral videos—a digital-age phenomenon that leverages social media and modern technology to its fullest. The concept behind a viral video is simple: create something so irresistibly shareable that it spreads across the internet like wildfire, garnering millions of views organically.

However, achieving viral status is akin to catching lightning in a bottle—it often comes down to luck. Even the wittiest or most creative video isn’t guaranteed to go viral if it doesn’t catch the right eyes. That said, there are strategies to boost your chances, such as keeping your video short, punchy, and relevant, while ensuring it’s well-made and share-worthy.

Remember, there are no hard and fast rules for virality—Gangnam Style broke many conventions and still became a global sensation. Ultimately, aim to create content that elicits the same excitement as rushing next door to share something extraordinary with your partner.

Vlogs and Video Series

Next up, vlogs and video series. A vlog, short for video blog, is your platform to regularly share insights or entertain your audience on topics relevant to your industry. While it demands time and effort, the payoff in terms of lead generation and relationship-building can be substantial. By consistently delivering valuable content, you’ll attract long-term viewers who may eventually convert into customers or subscribers.

Tutorials offer another avenue for engaging with your audience. Whether showing your lawn services or providing guidance for topics such as plant ID, irrigation, or landscaping, tutorials are relatively easy to produce, especially with screen capture software. This format allows you to showcase expertise and provides practical value to your audience. You can quickly produce a short video with your phone.

Use Interviews for a Personal Touch

Interviews lend a professional touch to your marketing efforts, particularly in the realm of B2B services. Whether with clients, team members, or industry experts, interviews offer valuable insights and testimonials. Interview your local pest control company, County extension agent, landscape lighting, fencing, professional and other businesses you work with.  Or businesses you would like to work with. 

This works as free exposure for them and their business. To enhance their professional appeal, use multiple camera angles, relevant backgrounds, and concise captions to guide viewers through the conversation.

Last, events provide fertile ground for video marketing. Whether it’s a product launch, conference, or networking event, capturing footage can bolster your promotional efforts. Consider hiring a film crew to document the occasion and then craft interesting content through skillful editing.

Incorporating these diverse video formats into your marketing strategy can amplify your brand’s reach and engagement. This will drive meaningful connections with your audience across various platforms.

Distribute Your Videos for Maximum Views

Of course, it’s not much use making a stunning, professional-looking video if no one is going to see it. The right video marketing strategy means thinking about creating professional-looking videos and then sharing them with your target audience.

The way you do this will depend on your resources, the type of video you’ve created, and the nature of your business. Next, we will look at the various different options available to you for getting your video seen by the right people.


When it comes to video sharing, one name springs to mind: YouTube. YouTube is the single biggest video sharing platform out there, bar none. In fact, it’s so big that it’s also the second-largest search engine of any kind behind Google–bigger even than Bing or Yahoo!.

If you want to get your videos seen by the maximum number of people, then uploading your videos to YouTube is a dominant strategy. This will allow you to build a list of subscribers who will be more likely to see subsequent videos as you upload them.

 Also, it will give you several flexible options–enabling you to embed your YouTube videos elsewhere, for instance. It is integrated with Google+ and YouTube videos that show up on Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages) will have a thumbnail next to them which increases CTR (click-through rate).

Even YouTube has its own in-built video editor, free music you can use, and many other options like annotations and more.

YouTube is the number one place people go when they’re looking for video content, so if your video is part of a video series, it’s a vlog, or it’s designed as entertainment that you hope to go viral, then it belongs on YouTube.


Vimeo is the number one competition to YouTube, and although it isn’t as big, it has some advantages. First, Vimeo is generally considered slightly more ‘professional’ in that the videos that get uploaded are made by enthusiasts and are generally better quality–there are fewer cat videos and fewer kids reviewing their favorite games. This is useful from a marketing perspective because it can help you give yourself a more professional impression by association.

Second, Vimeo is smaller and can also be considered a good thing–basically because it means there’s less competition. Here the question is whether you want to be a small fish in a big pond or… the opposite. Vimeo still has around 70 million monthly visitors, so it’s still worth your time. Ultimately, if you have the resources, it’s useful to market yourself on both channels.

Posting Videos on Your Facebook Business Page

Posting videos on your Facebook business page offers numerous advantages for engaging with your audience. Firstly, Facebook’s vast user base provides unparalleled reach, allowing you to connect with potential customers across demographics and interests. Additionally, Facebook’s algorithm favors video content, ensuring that your videos are more likely to appear in users’ feeds, increasing visibility and engagement.

Facebook’s robust analytics tools provide valuable insights into viewer demographics, engagement metrics, and performance trends, enabling you to refine your video marketing strategy for optimal results. By leveraging Facebook’s platform, businesses can effectively showcase their brand, products, and services, fostering deeper connections with their audience and driving business growth.

Video Content and Conversions

Ensuring that your videos lead to conversions involves more than just creating visually appealing content and getting it in front of viewers. You must craft a persuasive message that compels viewers to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or providing their contact information. Writing a persuasive script for your video involves several key elements that can influence viewers’ decisions.

Just the Facts

First, leverage facts, statistics, and authoritative sources to bolster the credibility of your message. Incorporating testimonials or case studies can also reinforce the effectiveness of your product or service. Building arguments based on agreed-upon facts and highlighting the value proposition are effective strategies for persuasion. Offering something of value for free, using social cues, and incorporating personal stories can engage viewers on an emotional level.

When scripting your video, remember to capture viewers’ attention from the outset with an engaging opening statement. Unlike written content, viewers can’t skim through video content, so maintaining a seamless flow and removing pauses are essential. Consider building momentum throughout the video, leading to an interesting call-to-action at the end. Using music to create emotional buildup can enhance the sense of urgency in your message.

Tone and Wording

The tone and wording of your script should be slightly more colloquial for spoken delivery, allowing for longer sentences and more emphasis. Visual aids can help fill in gaps and enhance understanding without explicit explanation. Importantly, keep your marketing videos concise, as shorter videos are more likely to keep viewers’ attention and deliver your message effectively.

For advertisements or video series, focus on engaging and entertaining viewers while strategically placing your call-to-action at the end. Understand why people share videos and ensure your content facilitates self-expression and communication, increasing its share ability and potential reach. By incorporating these strategies into your video scripting process, you can increase the likelihood of converting viewers into customers or leads.

Measuring Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of your videos is crucial to refining your video marketing strategy and ensuring that your efforts yield results. One valuable tool for assessing performance is YouTube Analytics, which provides insights into various metrics such as audience retention, traffic sources, and viewing patterns.

By analyzing which videos are most popular and effective at retaining viewers, you can identify successful strategies and areas for improvement. Pay close attention to spikes and troughs in views, as well as the sources driving traffic to your videos, to inform your promotional efforts.

It’s important to note that a retention rate of around 50% is excellent, so don’t be overly alarmed if your videos fall within the 30-40% range. However, there’s always room for improvement, and analyzing viewer behavior can help you identify ways to enhance engagement and retention.

Videos With Specific Purpose

For videos with a specific purpose, such as promotional videos on landing pages, measuring effectiveness may involve tracking changes in sales before and after the video’s implementation. By experimenting with different elements of the video, such as colors, length, and music, and observing their impact on sales, you can optimize your video content for conversion. Using split testing software allows you to compare the performance of different versions of your landing page and identify the most successful approach.

The iterative nature of video marketing enables continuous learning and improvement. By consistently refining your strategy based on insights gained from analytics and experimentation, you can grow conversion rates. Embrace the process of learning and adaptation, and you’ll ultimately drive greater success in your video marketing efforts.

SEO for YouTube 

 SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’ and refers to how websites can ensure that they show up in Google searches. As we’ve already discussed though YouTube is effectively a search engine too and when someone is looking for your content here, they will do so by going on to YouTube and searching for related topics.

Fortunately, a few things can help you encourage your video to show up. 


 To ensure success, it is essential to pick a great title for your YouTube video. If your video has a long obscure name then no one is going to search for it. At the same time though, if your video is called ‘Fitness’ then it is hardly going to be able to compete with the millions of other videos with that word in the title.

Your objective is to select a name that people are likely to be searching for during their time here. Being both identical and distinct, it is important to be descriptive. You can find keyword tools for YouTube that help you to identify these kinds of titles. Unfortunately they often charge and aren’t always reliable. The easier method is to use a little common sense, as well as to keep a careful eye on what suggestions come up when you start typing into the search box on YouTube. Then take a look at the other videos there and try to see how many you’ll be going up against.


 When you upload a video to YouTube you will have the option to add a description where you’ll write what your video is about. This is another opportunity to include your keywords and while the precise weighting/algorithm is unknown, it’s generally agreed that the more content you can provide here, the more likely you video is to show up high on the lists (and this makes a lot of sense). A good description will also encourage more people to watch your videos.


 Finally, you can also use tags which will further help YouTube to index and categorize your video and to make it more likely to show up as a suggested video. Here you can literally select the keywords you want to target and there’s no limit – so add a few different ones that will help to describe your video. 

Note that all these SEO techniques – the title, description and tags – will also play a role in helping your videos to show up in other search engines like Google.


A thumbnail is the small image that shows when your video is listed after a search or suggested next to other videos. If you want your video to get as many clicks as possible then you should create a custom thumbnail.  Uploading  that will make your video look more enticing. YouTube will likely also view this as a sign of quality and be more likely to help you promote the video.  In fact this is particularly important seeing as your thumbnail will also show up when your videos show up on Google as well as on social media and encourage CTR here as well.


 YouTube has the capability to analyze multiple factors that contribute to your video's quality. For example, it can identify whether your video is low or high resolution, shaky, or not filling the screen. The better  quality your video is, the better chance it has of ranking highly and this is only going to become more the case as YouTube’s algorithms improve and it gets smarter at telling which videos are the highest quality.

Keep in mind that YouTube takes into account factors like the length of time visitors spend on your content.  Keep a close eye on your visitors, as the quality of your content will have a significant impact. 


 If you want to create a legion of loyal YouTube subscribers and get lots of likes (which you do), then you need to make sure that you respond to their comments. Also,actively engage with them. Showing that there are real, living, breathing people behind  your account will help to build loyalty and will make them much more likely to watch and to listen to your future content.

 If you have a comment then, try to make sure that you take the time to respond personally as far as possible. If you start getting hundreds of comments a day, this is the sort of thing you may eventually need to outsource to a virtual assistant.

 Social Sharing 

 Sharing your videos on social media is an important way to encourage more views and to help your videos spread. Fortunately, YouTube has a number of buttons ready to help you share quickly to Facebook, X, Instagram and other channels. Likewise, you can use tools like IFTTT (If This, Then That) to share your videos through even more platforms automatically as soon as they’re uploaded. 

Your YouTube Channel 

 When you become a publisher on YouTube you will get your own ‘channel’ which will act as a page where your visitors can view all your videos, learn more about you and find your links. This is similar to a Facebook page in that you can add a profile picture, a cover image and information to help sell yourself. This is important from both an SEO perspective and a general marketing one.

Some things to do here including writing a detailed description about your channel, uploading attractive high-res images, having a ‘channel trailer’ (a video that welcomes new viewers to your channel and explains what your business is all about) and creating playlists to show curated content in categories on the page.

You should also make sure that you link to your website from your YouTube account (and that you connect your Google+ account, your YouTube account and your website) and that you include links to your other social media channels too. When you view your channel you’ll see you have a range of ‘Channel Tips’ shown on the far right. If you go through these then you can help to improve your ranking. 

Working With Other Related or Local Businesses 

 One of the ways that the very biggest YouTube vloggers manage to increase their viewership is by partnering up with other channels on the platform. For instance, if you have a video series on a subject that is similar to another channel you enjoy, then you can give that channel a plug at the end of one of your videos and you can get them to do the same.

On your channel page you have the option to add ‘Featured Channels’. If you add a few channels you enjoy here, then you can ask for them to do the same and that way you’ll again help to promote one another. You can even take this further and do interviews with other YouTubers or joint videos. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other creators. Networking is a big part of any marketing strategy and video marketing is no different.  There are some really good Green Industry YouTube channels you could pair up with.


So there you have it – that’s a rather in-depth primer on getting started and succeeding with video marketing. To recap, here’s what we’ve learned:

• Video marketing is incredibly important in today’s digital landscape, offering a powerful way to engage with your audience and drive conversions.

• Even on a relative budget, you can create highly effective videos with the right equipment and environment. Simple tricks like using a bedsheet and desk lamp can significantly enhance the professional look of your videos.

• Speaking slowly and editing your content into manageable chunks can improve viewer comprehension and retention.

• Alternatively, creativity can bypass the need for high production values, allowing you to create engaging content with minimal resources.

• Investing in good editing software like Adobe Premiere can streamline the editing process and elevate the quality of your videos.

• Outsourcing elements like video openers and music can add polish to your productions, especially if you lack expertise in these areas.

• Choose the right platform to share your videos based on your goals and target audience. Don’t overlook the potential of social media and integrating your videos with other marketing strategies.

• Consider incorporating your videos into advertising campaigns if your budget and business model allow for it.

• Implement basic SEO techniques for your YouTube account and videos to improve discoverability.

• Collaborating with other YouTubers can expand your reach and attract new viewers to your content.

• Use persuasive writing techniques to craft interesting calls to action and drive conversions.

• Keep your videos short and focused to maximize viewer engagement.

• Monitor the effectiveness of your videos using YouTube analytics and split testing, and continuously refine your approach based on insights.

It’s understandable if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all this information. The key is to start with a clear idea of the type of video you want to create–perhaps a simple overview of your lawn care business–and then gradually work through the process of production and promotion.

Learning on the job is often the most effective way to primary video marketing, and with persistence and dedication, you’ll soon produce professional-quality videos that drive significant results for your business. Congratulations–you’ve just taken your first steps into the world of video marketing for your lawn care business.  

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