Pink double carefree roses

Rose Care Basics

Working With Roses Basics Introduction

Flowers, especially roses, are a great addition to any garden or room’s decor. The add color, fragrance, and elegance in what might be otherwise dingy spaces. Nothing can offer quite as much as a great floral arrangement, especially if those flowers are roses.  Roses have always been a symbol of peace, love, friendship, and even death to all who see  them.  For centuries, roses have characterized great taste and eternity during events such as  weddings,  anniversaries,  and  birthdays.  They are always the flower of choice when someone is  hoping  to  create  a  bond  with  another. 

Anyone can purchase roses in a  gift  shop  or  florist,  but  it  takes  a  special  person  to  want  to  grow  their  own  roses.  There are too many  types  of  roses  to  list  them  all  here,  but  this  manual  will  be  your  beginners comprehensive  guide  to  planting  and  caring  for  roses.  By using this guide you will learn  to: 

 •   Plant roses

•   Caring for roses

•   Pruning roses properly 

•   How to fertilize roses

•   How to water roses properly 

•   How to prevent rose diseases

•   How to treat rose diseases

•   How to revive sick roses

•   How to help customers choose the best roses

That is a lot of  stuff  to  learn  by  reading  one  simple  manual,  but  this  one  has  it  all.  By the time you have  finished  reading  this,  you  will  be  prepared  to  take care of your customers  roses. Since roses are such  a  high  maintenance  plants,  there  is  a  great  deal  that  you  need  to  learn.

 At first glance,  you  may  feel  a  bit  overwhelmed  by  all  of  the  things  that  you  need  to  know  before  you  can  begin  to  plant  them,  but  that  will  soon  disappear  after  you  read  all  of  the  easy  to  follow  instructions  mentioned  in  this  guide.  Get ready to  learn  all  you  can  about  roses.  This will be  the  best  thing  that  you  ever  did  for  yourself  and  your  customer’s  landscape.   

Before we go through fertilizing and treating for rose diseases and insects, there is great news.  Bayer produces a product called Bayer 3-in-one for roses.  As a professional, this is the product we use on customers roses.  It is a systemic product that includes fertilizer, disease control, and insect control.  It will last for a year.  This product is available at big box stores and Amazon so can be recommended to customers if your ornamental care program does not include roses.

Choosing the Right  Roses    

The vast array of roses available for cultivation can make it overwhelming to choose the perfect one for your customers landscape. However, there are several important factors to consider when selecting the right rose, and here are some crucial pointers to guide you in your search.

1. Color: While seemingly trivial, color is often a key factor for those looking to grow roses. Personal preference plays a large role in this decision.

2. Height: It's important to take into consideration the final height of the rose as it could look unattractive if it grows taller than the surrounding flower bed. Some roses can reach upwards of 20 feet, while others tend to climb or ramble throughout the area.

3. Winter hardiness: For those living in colder regions, choosing a rose that can survive during the off season is essential.

4. Fragrance: If certain scents trigger allergic reactions, opting for roses with a softer fragrance may be ideal.

5. Advantages and disadvantages: Researching and understanding the pros and cons of different roses will help inform your decision.

6. Space limitations: Consider the size of the flower bed or landscape space to ensure proper exposure to air and other elements for a chosen rose.

7. Companionship: consider any other flowers or plants you plan on adding to the rose's environment, making sure they won't create a harmful ecosystem for a chosen rose.

Some Common Types of Roses  

After you get a sense of  the  type  of  roses  that  you  would  like  to suggest,  you  will  naturally  want  to  know  which  type  of  rose’s  best  fit  your  ideas  for  planting.  There are too many to  list  here,  but  I  can  list  some  of  them  for  you.  You should consult your nearest  garden  center  for  advice  on  whether  your  choice of roses are  fitting  with the customers landscape limits.   

 Landscape Roses 

 Landscape roses are great for the novice gardener. They are disease resistant, and require a little  bit  less  maintenance.  Hybrid teas are not good for the novice. 

 Climbing Roses 

These roses differ from the regular roses that are planted as they  are  trained  to  grow  upward  like  vines.  Most people like to use these for trellises, or buildings. Some of them are hybrid teas, wichuraianas, and large flowered climbers.  They are a beautiful addition to the look of one’s house.  Lady Banks variety is one of the most well known climbing roses.

 Shrub Roses 

Shrub roses like the beautiful rugosa are both long blooming, and disease resistant.  These are also great for the novice planter.  They are gorgeous even when they are not in bloom because the  foliage  is so pretty. 

 Old Garden Roses 

 These roses are not very good for those with severe allergies to strong fragrances  because  they  have  a  strong  fragrant  odor.  However, they are disease resistant and continue to bloom for months at a  time. 

 The Modern Rose 

 These are very special roses because they result from cross breeding the hybrid  tea  with  the  polyanthus.  They are also referred to as Floribunda.  They beautifully combine the best those two flowers have to  offer.  They are long blooming, fragrant, and they are great for cutting. 

Miniature Roses 

 Miniature roses are exactly what they sound like.  They have all of the fragrance and beauty of a regular  rose,  but  they  have  smaller  blooms.  These particular roses are great for indoor planting.          

Planting Roses 

 The art of planting roses doesn’t have to be  a  complicated  thing  to  do.  When you have the right  knowledge  there  is  no  limit  to  how  beautiful  a  garden  or  rosebush  that  you  can  create. 

In this guide, you will not only  have  all  of  the  right  skills  at  your  fingertips,  but  you  will  get  tips  that  you  can  use  to  grow  a  bed  of  roses.  With this extensive manual at hand,  you  will  never  have  to  buy  another  bouquet  again.  Now you will have  all  of  the  beauty  and  delicious  fragrance  that  roses  can  give  you  with  you  all  the  time.  Here are some of  the  best  ideas  and  tips  for  planting  your customers’ roses. 

climbing roses

Rose Planting

Gardening enthusiasts know that the art of planting roses can be a satisfying and rewarding experience. It's not as complicated as it may seem; all you need is some knowledge and preparation beforehand. Start by consulting your local gardening center or florist for advice on the best type of roses to grow in your specific climate. To avoid future issues, opt for disease-resistant varieties that require less maintenance and care.

When selecting the perfect spot for rose plants, keep in mind that they thrive in well-lit areas with at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. Choose a location with well-drained soil, ideally with a pH level between 5.5-7.0. You can check the acidity of the soil using a soil probe or by sending a sample to your local university plant soil sciences department.

Before planting, prepare the soil by adding organic matter such as manure or lime to nourish the roots of the roses. Soak the roots in water or puddle clay for several minutes and trim off any broken ends.

During the first 3-4 weeks after planting, make sure to water the roses frequently, as their roots are still establishing themselves. As a general rule, water when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry. After that initial period, water every 2 weeks for optimal hydration.

Around 3 months after planting, start fertilizing the roses and use 3-6 inches of mulch to regulate moisture and temperature levels while preventing weed growth. Mulch also helps keep essential nutrients that are vital for keeping growing roses healthy.

Spring is considered the ideal time for rooting and maintaining the health of rose plants, so plan accordingly when choosing when to plant.

Ensure proper air circulation around multiple roses by avoiding planting them in enclosed or tight spaces. A lack of airflow can lead to fungal diseases and hinder their growth.

When digging holes for planting, make them twice as wide as the space the roses will take up and grow into. This not only helps with planting but also allows them to grow freely without restricted circulation, which can lead to issues down the road. With these tips in mind, you'll be on your way to a flourishing rose garden that will bring beauty and joy for seasons to come.

Watering Roses  

Watering roses can be a tricky thing.  It is one of the most important aspects of  taking  care  of  them, just like other plants.  Roses need almost as much water to stay  healthy  as  people  do.  Of course there are quite  a  few  things  that  must  be  considered  before  anyone  waters their  roses.  Like people, roses need more  water  during  the  hotter  weather  than  during  the  colder  ones.  Heat makes the soil  dry  faster  and  the  roses  get  “thirstier”.  Keep in mind  that  even  during  the  rainier  times,  roses  still  need  to  be  watered  with  fresh  water  because  rain  alone  cannot  provide  the  right  amount  of  moisture  for  the roses.   You want to  water roses  in  a  manner  that  goes  deep  enough  into  the  surrounding  soil  so  that  it  reaches  the  roots.  Try going approximately 14 inches  deep.     You do not  want  to  water  the  petals  directly  or  the  canes  because  it  can  cause  fungal  disease  in  roses.  Make sure the customer doesn’t have an irrigation system that would apply the water overhead.  Encourage drip lines or shrub nozzles on a micro-irrigation system.  To  help lower  the  risk  of    roses  getting  diseases,  mulch  is  a  great  way  to  keep  the  soil  moist,  without  allowing  all  of  the  fungal  problems  that  too  much  moisture  can  cause.  Watering roses in  the  morning  also  helps  to  dry  the  dew  off  of  the  leaves.    Once the roses  are  fully  established,  they  should  be watered once  a  week.  They should do  it  twice  a  week  if  it’s  in  the  hotter  months. 

 Fertilizing Roses 

Fertilizing roses is a crucial step in ensuring their health and vibrancy. Just like humans, these delicate flowers require proper nourishment to thrive. Without the 26 essential nutrients, they may wilt and wither away.

To keep roses growing at a strong and steady pace, it's important to fertilize them regularly. This can be done using slow-release fertilizers such as fish emulsion or Osmocote, which should be applied according to the instructions on the label at the time of planting. Be careful not to over-fertilize during the winter months, as promoting recent growth at this time can make the plants more susceptible to freezing damage.

It's also important to pay attention to the condition of plants before fertilizing. Never apply fertilizer to plants that are experiencing heat or water stress, as this could lead to leaf and bud burn. In order for roses to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients, they should ideally experience consistent outside temperatures of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

During the growing season, you can give roses a boost by applying a water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks. This will provide them with an extra dose of nourishment and help them flourish into beautiful, healthy blooms.

Pruning and Caring for Roses  

 Taking proper care of roses can seem  like  a  very  taxing,  and  time  consuming  thing  to  do,  but  the  results  of  such  care  far  more  than  make  up  for  it.  Unfortunately, roses are the most  difficult  flower  to  manage  and  keep  healthy;  however,  all  good  things  require  high  maintenance.   There are many small  things  that  have  to  be  done  to  keep  roses  looking  their  best,  but  all  of  those  small  things  add  up  to  one  very  large  one.  Here are some  great  tips  for  the  regular  upkeep  of  roses. 

 1. You should prune roses in the early spring.  Or at least once the others start budding  because  the  buds  will  eventually  become  new  branches  later. 

2. You should prune out the dead and damaged branches  first.  Next, you should cut all but five  of  the  leftover  healthy  branches.  They should end up at about the  thickness  of  a  pencil. 

 3. Cut the bushes by approximately one third  or  one  half,  depending  on  how  tall  you  want  them.  Cutting above the outward facing  buds,  Which  is  the  buds  that  is  on  the  outside  of  the  rose  bush  because  this  will  help  the  bud  to  grow  upward;  which  will  make  the  center  of  the  bud  open  up  for  better  air  circulation  and  shape. 

 4. You should always sharpen your hand shears before pruning, and  prune  the  climbing  roses  with  caution.  The branches have a tendency to overlap and you wouldn’t  want  to  prune 

the wrong branches.  It is also good practice to spray your cutting surfaces with 10% Clorox solution to keep from spreading disease.

 5. Mulching is necessary because it helps to keep maintenance down.  Mulching helps roses so that they need a lot less watering, weeding  and  helps  prevent  diseases.  The best mulches are organic ones like wood chips, pine needles,  and hulls.  Rock mulch can collect heat and damage the roots, so it isn’t recommended.   

 6. Protect roses during the winter months by adding an extra inch or two of  soil  to  the  base  of  the  roses.  Don’t put the soil too close to the crown. This should provide the extra needed heat in the winter. 

 7. You should avoid the white plastic cones  when  doing  your  winter  protection  because  they  trap  too  much  heat  during  the  winter  thaw.  They are also quite unattractive. 

 8. You should feed roses water often,  but  lightly.  When you water roses, avoid directly watering  the  foliage  because  it  will  cause  fungal  diseases.  You should water the roses at the  roots. 

 9. Keep the area around roses  cleared  to  prevent  them  from  getting  locked  in  an  area  that  doesn’t  provide  enough  circulation. 

 Pruning Roses Basics

 Pruning roses is one of the most  needed  and  the  most  annoyingly  difficult  tasks  that  goes  with  proper  rose  care.  It takes a steady hand the proper  procedure  to  ensure  the  best 

possible roses that you can help create. Pruning roses is basically the  act  of  getting  rid  of  dead  and  damaged  pieces,  and  teaching  the  new  growth  to  grow  in  the  correct  outward  facing  direction.  That just means that you  are  training  them  to  grow  facing  the  outside  of  the  shrub  or  bush.  This gives roses the correct  amount  of  circulating  air  to  thrive  in. Here are some proper techniques to  guide you  through  the thought process of what and how to prune roses you are asked to care for:

Dip or spray your pruning shears in 10% bleach.   This will help to prevent disease spread.  Pruning in the early spring,  just  after  the  snow  melts  is  best.  You want to prune roses  before  any  new  growth  appears.  The  best  time  would  be  when  the  buds  are  swelled,  or  red.  Hand shears are the best tool  for  pruning  the  smaller  branches.  Loppers are best for the branches  that  are  thicker  or  the  thickness  of  a  pencil or larger.  If you are going to be working with a lot of roses, consider buying a pair of heavy rose gloves to  protect again  the  thorns.   You will want to get rid  of  the  dead  wood  first.  Next, you would want to take out any branches that are overlapping or rubbing each other.  Leave the healthier branch and the one that will give you the preferred shape. You will want to  make the  roses  fluted  or  vase  shaped,  with  an  open  center,  and  keep  them  from  touching  or  overlapping  each  other.  Next, you want to  get  rid  of  the  thinner  weaker stems.   Cut any healthy canes  to  be  about  one  to  four  feet  long,  or  whatever  size  that  you  prefer.  Cut you roses properly  so  that  they  stay  healthy.  Cut so  that  the  bud  is  facing  outside  of  the  bush  and  at  a  45  degree  angle  that  slopes  inward  so  that  you  can  keep  promoting  the  outward  growth.  You should  use  bypass  pruners  that  work  like  scissors  and  not  the  anvil  types  because  the  anvils  crush  the  stems  and  make  the  roses  more  available  to  diseases. 

Planting Potted Roses  

 It is  common  for  people  that  have  received  roses  in  pots  as  gifts  to  fall  so  in  love  with  their  roses  that  they  may  want  to  replant  them  in  their  own  garden.  Adding a  rose  bush  to  any garden can  be  the  best  choice  that  you  ever  made.    Planting potted roses doesn’t have  to  be  a  taxing  experience.  With the right knowledge given  to  you  in  simple  step  by  step  format  can  make  the  task  a  great  deal  of  fun.  Here are all of the  steps  that  you  will  need  in  order  to  plant  the  container  roses.   You should plant contained roses  in  the  spring,  after  you  are  absolutely  positive  that  there  is  no  chance  for  a  return  of  the  frost.  If you live in  a  warmer  climate  like  Florida  or  California,  you  will  want  to  plant  in  the  early  autumn,  once  the  weather  has  cooled  off  a  bit.   You will want to  choose  roses  that  do  not  have  any  flowers  on  them  because  you  are  simply  trying  to  establish  the roses.  You are not  trying  to  make  the  roses  flower  just  yet.  If you have  to,  trim  the  flowers  off  of  them  before  you  plant  them.  You definitely want  to  choose  the  right  environment  for  the  roses.  You will want  to  plant  them  in  an  area  of  the  garden  that  is  susceptible  to  a  lot  of  light  in  the  morning,  (at  least  6  hours’ worth)  because  early  morning  light  helps  to  dry  the  dew  off  of  the  flowers,  which  will  help  prevent  fungal  diseases.   If you  want  the  transition  of  roses  from  a  pot  to the landscape to  go  smoothly,  you  will  need  to  prepare  the soil  very  well.  You want the  soil  to  be  well  drained  for  the  health  of the  rose plants.    Once you  have  prepared  all the soil,  you  will  want  to  work  several  spadesful  of  compost  into  the  planting  hole  after  digging  in  a  hole  that  is  about  two  feet  deep.   Tap the  rose  from  its  original  container  and  plant  it.  You will  also  want  to  position  it  so  that  the  soil  level  of  the  rose  matches  the  soil  level  of  the  surrounding  soil.   Last, you  will  want  to  dig  a  mote-like  ring  around  the  rose  so  that  you  can  pool  the  water. 

  Growing Organic  Roses  

 Many people are now getting into  growing  all  things  organic.  Farmers are doing it  with  produce  and  meats,  so  it  is  natural  that  you  might  want  to  grow  roses  that  way  also.  Many people have problems  using  the  pesticides  and  insecticides  that  go  along  with  growing  roses  and  keeping  them  healthy.  Well now you can  use  more  natural  methods  of  growing  any roses.  This section will  show  you  how  in  a  step  by  step  method.  

1. Each bush that you want  to  plant  will  need  to  have  a  foot  of  space  all  around  it  so  that  the  flowers  can  get  the  proper  amount  of  circulation.  It also helps to prevent  leaf  diseases  for  roses. 

 2. You will want to purchase  organic  roses.  You will want to buy  roses  that  have  a  sturdy  green  stem  and  no  blemishes  on  them.  Bare root roses are best  for  this. 

 3. Along with roses that  have  green  stems,  you  will  need  to  look  for  stems  that  have  evenly  spaced  leaves  that  are  close  together.  

4. You will need  to  use  well  drained  soil  so  that  you  can  promote  the  healthy  growth  that  will  give  the  flower  all  of  the  water  and  nutrients  that  it  needs  from  the  root  to  the  flower’s  head. 

 5. Fix the soil so that  you  can  build  organically.  You should use a  raised  bead  if  drainage  is  a  constant  problem.  If needed, ask a local  garden  center  rep  about  how  best  to  fix  the  soil  to  be  organically  correct. 

6. Soak all bare  root  roses  in  a  large  container  of  compost  tea  for  many  hours  before  you  plant  them. 

 7. You must  mound  up  enough  good  organic  sol  that  is  mixed  with  an  equal  amount  of  compost  in  the  middle  so  that  you  can  spread  the  roots  out  and  down  from  where  they  meet  at  the  trunk. 

8. Now, plant  the  rose  at  the  point  where  the  stem  breaks  into  the  root  so  that  it  is  at  soil  level,  or  approximately  1  inch  below  the  top  level  if  you  live  in  an  area  that  is  prone  to  hard  winters. 

9. You have to check  bare  root  roses  first.  If the rose roots grow out  in  a  tight  circle,  you  have  to  cut  a  straight  slice  down  each  of  its  four  sides.  A knife is good  for  this.  Then you will dig  a  hole  that  is  2  inches  deeper  than  the  container  and  at  least  twice  as  wide. 

 10.    Mix organic soil garden  soil  with  an  equal  amount  of  compost and  use  your  hands  to  gently  spread  the  roots  into  the  soil  mix. 

 11.    You have to mulch  to  help  you  prevent  roses  from  being  exposed  to  weeds,  and  water  stress  complications.  It will also  ensure  that  roses  remain  at  their  lowest  possible  maintenance  level. 

 12.    You must  feed  roses  organically  also.  Fertilize with  organic  fertilizer  and  maintain  a  regular  watering  schedule. 

 13.    Water organic roses  deep  at  the  planting,  and  then  once  every  week  after  that  during  growing  season  so  that  you  can  promote  deep  roots.  Watering in  the  early  morning  is  best. 

14.    You must  cultivate  the  top  inch  of  the soil  around  each  rose  and  fertilize  on  a  monthly  basis  with  a  balanced  organic  fertilizer.  You will  need  a  good  granular  type  of  fertilizer  that  you  can  work  into  the  soil.  Either that,  or  you  or the customer can  use  a  fish  emulsion  or  seaweed  based  product  that  you  can  mix  with  water  because  it  has  all  of  the  necessary  nutrients  that  a  healthy  flower  needs.  Check the  ingredients  listed  on  the  labels  to  ensure  that  they  have  nitrogen,  phosphorus,  potassium,  iron  and  calcium. 

15.    To help  protect  the  bed  against  the  various  types  of  pests  and  insects  that  can  plague  roses,  put  sticky  yellow  bars  every  ten  feet  to  catch  them. 

16.    You may  use  an  organic  pesticide  if  the  problem  is  bad.  Neem oil can be both an insecticide and a fungicide, so it is a common product to use on roses.

17.    If the  pest  problem  is  severe  enough,  you  may  use  insecticidal  soap  to  spray  on the roses.   

 Now you have  all  of  the  necessary  knowledge  that  you  need to  service and advise customers with earth  friendly  roses.  These roses will be  just  as  beautiful  as  those  that  are  not  grown  organically,

and will likely have the  healthiest  life  span  that  a  rose  can  get.  Organic roses have especially vibrant color  and  stronger “immune  systems”.  The fragrance of organically grown roses can be more potent than roses fertilized with synthetic fertilizer.   Of course, it still helps  to  know  how  to  prevent  roses  from  being  taken  over  by  diseases even if they may not be as susceptible.  In the next section we will address preventing rose diseases. 

Preventing Common Rose Diseases  

 Just like people, roses are susceptible to  diseases  and  various  other  health  problems.  Many of the problems that  come  with  having  roses  are  relatively  easy  to  take  care  of,  but  it  is 

always better to stop them all  together  rather  than  having  to  cure  them  later.  Here are some ways that you can prevent  diseases  from  reaching  roses.   The easiest way to prevent diseases  from  inhabiting  roses  is  to  buy  roses  that  are  low  maintenance  like  shrubs  and  landscape  roses.  Planting roses properly in  areas  that  have  a  lot  of  sun  (at  least  6  hours  in  the  morning),  air  circulation  and  good  compost  for  faster  draining  can  prevent  many  problems  later.  Keeping different flowers  and  plants  in  with roses  will  help  to  provide  the  roses  with  a  better  and  more  balanced  ecosystem  to  live  in.  Fertilize the plants in the  proper  manner.  Roses need their food too!  (see section on fertilizing for  the  best  methods) . Watering roses correctly  and  in  the  morning  is  a  good  way  to  keep  fungal  diseases  from  hitting  the  roses.  (see section on watering  for  the  best  techniques) .  A two inch layer  of  mulch  at  the  base  of  the  roses  is  a  good  way  to  keep  soil  borne  diseases  at  bay. 

Rose rosette disease (RRD) is a plant virus that affects rose species and hybrids, including the Carefree rose series. It was first identified in the Rocky Mountains in the 1940s, and is widespread east of the Rockies. The disease is spread by eriophyid mites that are transmitted by grafting or feeding. Almost all roses are susceptible to the disease, and plants can die within just a couple of years. Symptoms include: Succulent, thickened stems, Witches' broom, flower distortion, discoloration, and excessive thorns. The only remedy is removing the infected roses to avoid spreading to nearby roses. Remove all parts of the rose, including the roots, and bag and dispose of them in the trash or burning them.

Fixing Diseased and Problem  Roses  

Even with the  best  of  prevention  techniques  and  caring  for roses,  you  cannot  always  stop  diseases  and  problems  from  affecting  the roses.  For all of the problems roses  can  encounter,  there  are  just  as  many  ways  to  fix  them.  All it takes is a  little  bit  of  tender  loving  care,  and  the  right  techniques.  Here are some of those  techniques  to  help  roses  look  their  best. 

Aphids and Spider Mites   

Aphids are a  greenish  brown  insect  that  suck  the  juices  from  roses,  and  can  eventually  cause  roses  to  dry  out.  To effectively treat them, simply  blast  roses  with  soapy  water.  Spider Mites are very tiny red mites.  They suck the chlorophyll out of the cells of the leaves.  When you are checking roses, place a white piece of paper under branches then shake the plant.  Look to see what insects fall on the paper.  Slightly run your fingers over the fall out and look for a streak.  The streaks will be the remains of the spider mites.

Black Spot Black spot is a fungal disease that  causes  the  canes  to  turn  black  or  brown  in  spots  on  the  foliage.  To remedy this, simply prune the affected  areas  and  throw  out  the  clippings.  Do not water overhead to  prevent  this  from  happening  again. Removing infected leaves from the plant and fallen leaves from the ground will slow the spread of the infection, as does avoiding wetting the leaves of plants during watering. Fungicides, such as mancozeb, chlorothalonil, flutriafol, penconazole, or a copper-based product, applied upon new leaf emergence or first appearance of black spot, can be used to control the disease. If a more natural and nontoxic approach

Black spot on roses


 A canker is another fungal disease that causes  the  canes  to  turn  black  or  brown.  All you have to do is prune  the  canes  just  below  the  canker  in  the  early  spring.  


 A midge is a tiny  maggot  that  causes  the  rose’s  buds  to  blacken  from  the  damage.  If you want to fix  this  problem,  prune  the  affected  area  and  then  destroy  it.  


 Rust is a disease that creates an orange  powder  in  the center  of  the  rose.  It is caused by wet and calm  winter weather.  Putting in some spider mites can  help  with  this because they hate the water.  You should consult your local  garden  center  about  the  best  insecticide  to  use  in  order  to  get  rid  of  the  spider  mites if basic insecticide isn’t working.  Using a combination of Imidacloprid and bifenthrin should keep them under control enough to get through the season. Once you have chosen the insecticide, spray every 7-10 days until  it  is  under  control. 

 Powdery Mildew 

 If you are trying to use organic solutions, you or your customer can put an end to  powdery  mildew  by  making  a  mixture  of  1  gallon  of  water,   2  TBSP  of  baking  soda , and 1  TBSP  of  Murphy’s  Oil  Soap .  There are several fungicide sprays like Mancozeb Plus sulfur.  Neem oil also helps with powdery mildew.

Have the homeowner spray over the roses in  the  morning  every  two  weeks  until  the  overall  temperature  around  the  roses  reaches  80  degrees. 

Powdery Mildew

Give Roses a Springtime Boost  

Every spring people get energized and feel a new sense of Spring energy.  It is like the very  air  in  the  spring  time  is  rejuvenating  in  itself.  Natural passions and new  loves  are  often  born  in  the  spring,  and  old  loves  get  a  nice  spark  between  them.  Spring is definitely the  best  time  of  year to renew ourselves.

 The same goes for roses.  It is in the  spring  that  people  begin  planting  or  replenishing  their  rose  gardens.  For those bushes that  are  already  established,  spring  is  the  time  to  see  new  buds  and  blooms  trying  to  be  born.    If you are interested  in  helping  the roses  get  an  even  bigger  boost  in  the  spring,  you  may  want  to  try  this  special  tonic  that  is  used  to  give  the roses  a  strong  boost  of  all  of  the  nutrients  that  roses  need  in  order  for  them  to  grow  strong,  healthy  and  produce  a  lot  of  buds.  There are some key techniques that you will want to practice for the best Spring growth.  Be  certain  to  apply fertilizer in  the  early  spring  after  you  have  removed  any  of  the  necessary  winter  protection.  Here is a DIY mix recipe you can pass on to your customers or try it yourself.

A list of the  ingredients  that  you  will  need  to  make  this  mixture follows. Wearing a dust mask, use a 5  gallon  bucket to mix the ingredients in.    2 cups of alfalfa  meal ,  2  cups  of  Epsom  salt, 2 cups  of  fish  meal,   2  cups  of  gypsum,  2  cups  of  greensand,   1  cup  of  bone  meal.  You will first have  to  pull  back  the  mulch  that  has  been placed  around  any  rose  bush.   You will next, want  to  work  one  cup  of  this  fertilizer mixture into  the  top  inch  of  soil  if  you  have  a  smaller  bush.  Use 3 cups for large roses about 5-6 feet tall.   Now you will need  to  replace  the  mulch  and  water the  roses  well.   You can also add pre-emergent over the mulch to keep the area weed free for several months.  Repeat in mid-June to keep roses flowering well.  With this application you can just lightly mix the ingredients into the soil around the bases of the roses.   

Cold Climate Roses  

 Most roses will grow just  about  anywhere,  and  in  any  type  of  climate.  Certain roses do not  function  very  well  in  cold  climates,  but  will  grow  just  as  well  in  any  other.  Hybrid Teas are not  however,  a  cold  climate  rose.  They must be grown  in  a  warmer  climate  like  Florida.  They simply don’t have  the  necessary  winter  protection  that  some  cold  climate  flowers  have.  If you live in  an  area  that  is  prone  to  harsh  winters,  you  will  likely  find  it  relatively  easy  to  find  good,  cold  climate  roses  at  your  local  garden  center.  It is necessary  to  plant  cold  climate  roses  in  areas  that  are  prone  to  winters  because  planting  anything  else  would  be  a  waste  of  your  time  as  they  couldn’t  survive  properly  during  the  winter  frost.    Cold climate roses  are  great  for  many  reasons.  They are very  low  maintenance  flowers,  especially  good  for  the  novice.  Cold climate roses  also  have  their  very  own  protection  set  up  against  diseases  and  bacteria  that  can  plague  any  flower.  Here a brief  list  of  cold  climate  roses.  Naturally, there are  many  more,  but  to  list  them  all  would  make  up  the  entirety  of  this  guide. 

 The cold climate roses are  as  follows:   Rugosas,  Griffith  Buck,  Modern  Roses, Centrifolias, Species  Roses, Gallica, Alba, and Shrub  Roses. These are just some  of  the  cold  climate  roses  that  will  thrive  during  the  harsh  winters  of  some  localities.  If you live  in  an  area  that  is  prone  to  harsh  winters,  you  may  want  to  see  if  your  local  garden  center  has  any  of  these  to  start  with. 

 Rose Care Summary  

 You have learned how to:   Plant  and  take care of roses, How  to  help  keep roses  disease  and  problem  free,  How  to  grow  roses  organically,  the  best  types  of  cold  climate  roses.  Now, you should be  ready  to  go  out  and talk to customers about their roses and  begin  preparing  their  soil  for  their  new rose  additions. Although there wasn’t a  special  section  about  mulching  roses,  the  process  was  mentioned  many  times  during  this  guide  to  roses.  When you do  lay  down  mulch  in  growing beds,  you  should  be  sure  to  enclose  the  area  around  it  to  prevent  spillage.  The mulch should be clean and be applied about 4 inches deep.  If the roses have disease, the leaves that fall off should be removed so that the fungal spores don’t splash up on the new leaves. There are many  ways  that  you  can  make  a  nice  looking  enclosure  for  a  mulched  area.  At least place an edging around the beds like metal or curbing.

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