We all love flower that comes from bulbs. Daffodils, tulips, alliums, flowers from bulbs are usually show stoppers. It is so disappointing to come home and see them eaten after waiting for them to come up all winter. This list of bulbs are deer resistant. They may still be eaten if deer pressure is high. Most of these multiply fast and will give you a lot of color for years to come. The deer should avoid them but if they do get eaten, at least they will eat other things first.
Agapanthus | Agapanthus | Bulb | NC,OR |
Allium christophii | Star of Persia | Bulb | MD,TX,VT |
Allium neapolitanum | Daffodil Garlic | Bulb | MD,TX,VT |
Allium ostrowskianum | Lily Leek | Bulb | MD,TX,VT |
Allium species | Ornamental Onions | Bulb | CT,NC,NJ,OH,VT, |
Amaryllis | Amaryllis | Bulb | CT,NC |
Canna species | Canna | Bulb | VT |
Chionodoxa | Bulb | Bulb | OH |
Colchicum species | Autumn Crocus | Bulb | CT,NC,NJ,OH |
Crocosmias | Bulb | Bulb | NC |
Cyclamen | Hardy Cyclamen | Bulb | NC |
Endymion species | Bluebell | Bulb | NJ |
Eranthus hyemalis | Winter Aconite | Bulb | NJ |
Fritillaria imperialis | Crown Imperial,Fritilia | Bulb | CT,NJ,VT,MD |
Galanthus nivalis | Snowdrops | Bulb | CT,NJ,OH |
Hyacinthus | Hyacinth | Bulb | CT,MD |
Leucojum aestivalis | Summer Snowflake | Bulb | NC,OH,OR |
Lilium lancifolium | Tiger Lily | Bulb | VT |
Narcissus species | Daffodil, Jonquil | POISONOUS | CT,NJ,OH,CO,MD,OR |
Oxalis | Sorrel | Bulb | NJ |
Pushkinia | Bulb | Bulb | OH |
Scilla | Siberian Squill | Bulb | CT,NJ,OH,VT |
Zantedeschia aethiopica | Calla Lilly | Burns mouth | TX |