If a deer's life is threatened, there are no annual flowers that are completely deer
proof. By understanding which plants are most attractive to deer, you can prioritize your control efforts and protect those areas that are at the highest risk of damage.
When we are assessing vulnerability, consider plants that are known to be particularly palatable to deer. These are typically plants with soft foliage, tender shoots, or highly aromatic characteristics.
Looking through this chart of annuals rarely damaged by deer, you will be pleased to see there are many genus and species of annuals with a large variety of colors, sizes, and foliage types, for you to choose from. Many of these plants are toxic, have rough or bitter foliage, or a strong odor that repels deer. With this list of deer resistant annuals combined with the chart of deer resistant perennials, you can have a beautiful deer resistant landscape.
Adonis annua | Pheasant's Eye | Toxic with bitter tasting leaves | TX |
Ageratum houstonianum | Ageratum | Annual | MD,NC,NJ |
Allamanda cathartica | Allamanda | Toxic all parts | TX |
Antirrhinum majus | Snapdragon | Annual | MD,NJ |
Argemone mexicana | Yellow Prickly Poppy | Toxic with prickly foliage | TX |
Argemone sanguinea | Rose Prickly Poppy | Prickly foliage | TX |
Argemone texana | White Prickly Poppy | Toxic with prickly foliage | TX |
Baileya multiradiata | Desert Marigold | Coarse foliage | TX |
Calendula species | Pot Marigold | Annual | NJ |
Catharanthus rosea | Annual Vinca | Annual | NJ |
Centaurea cineraria | Dusty Miller | Annual | NJ |
Centaurea melitensis | Tocalote Thistle | Prickly, Musk ordor | TX |
Cleome serrulata | Bee Plant | Toxic leaves | TX,NC,NJ |
Consolida ambigua | Larkspur | Annual | NJ |
Cordalis aurea | Scrambled Eggs | Toxic, bitter taste | TX |
Datura quercifolia | Datura | All parts toxic | TX,NJ |
Descuraninia pinnata | Tansy Mustard | Annual | TX |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove | POISONOUS | TX,NC,MD |
Dyssodia pentachaeta | Parralena | Bitter Taste | TX |
Dyssodia setifolia radiata | Tiny Tim | Strong odor, bitter taste | TX |
Eschscholtzia californica | California Poppy | Toxic all parts | TX |
Euphorbia bicolor | Snow-On-The-Prarie | Annual | TX |
Euphorbia marginata | Snow-On-The-Mountain | Causes pain in gut | TX,NJ |
Gaillardia pulchella | Indian Blanket | Rarely eaten | TX |
Gomphrena globosa | Globe Amarantha | May nip but not eat | TX |
Helenium amarum | Bitterweed | Bitter taste | TX |
Helianthus annuus | Common Sunflower | Coarse foliage | TX,GA |
Helichrysum | Strawflower | Dry flowers | NJ |
Heliopium species | Cherry Pie Plant | Toxic all parts | TX,NJ |
Heliotropium convolvulaceum | Fragrant Heliotrope | Toxic leaves | TX |
Helleborus niger | Christmas Rose | Toxic all parts | TX,GA |
Iscoma wrightii | Jimmyweed | Bitter taste | TX |
Linum sulcatum | Prairie Flax | Toxic all parts | TX |
Lobelia siphilitica | Blue Cardinal Flower | Toxic all parts | TX,GA |
Lobularia maritima | Sweet Alyssum | Fragrant | NJ |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet | Toxic all parts | TX |
Machaeranthera phyllocephala | Camphor Daisy | Aromatic camphor odor | TX |
Machaeranthera tanaceifolia | Tahoka Daisy | Sticky Foliage | TX |
Matricaria species | False Camomile | Aromatic | NJ |
Myosotis sylvatica | Forget-Me-Not | Annual | NJ |
Nicotiana alata | Nicotiana | Toxic leaves | TX,MD,NJ |
Palafoxia hookeriana | Palafoxia | Sticky leaves | TX |
Papaver oriental | Oriental Poppy | Toxic all parts | TX,NJ |
Papaver rhoeas | Corn Poppy | Toxic all parts | TX,NJ |
Papaver somniferum | Opium Poppy | Toxic all parts | TX,NJ |
Pectis angustifolia | Lemon Pectis | Aromatic lemon odor | TX |
Perilla frutescens | Perilla Mint | Aromatic odor,Toxic | TX |
Physalis species | Ground Cherry | Toxic all parts | TX |
Pimpinalla anisum | Anise | Annual | NJ |
Pluchea purpurascens | Marsh Fleabane | Aromatic, Coarse foliage | TX |
Polaniana uniglandulosa | Clammyweed | Sticky | TX |
Prionopsis ciliata | Saw-Leaf Daisy | Toxic, Coarse foliage | TX |
Ricinus communis | Castor Bean | Toxic all parts | TX |
Rudbeckia fulgida | Goldstrum Rudbeckia | Coarse foliage | TX,CO |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan | Rarely eaten | TX,CO |
Senecio ampuliaaceus | TX Squaw Weed | Toxic | TX |
Senecio leucostachys | Dusty Miller | Toxic all parts | TX |
Symphytum species | Comfrey | Toxic all parts | TX |
Tagetes species | Marigold | Annual | MD,NC |
Thelesperma filifolium | Black-eyed Susan | Aromatic | TX |
Verbesina enceliodies | Cow-Pen Daisy | Strong odor when touched | TX |
Vinca rosea | Madagascar Periwinkle | Aromatic | TX,NC |