deer behind woven wire fencing

Woven Wire Fencing for Deer Control

What is a woven wire fence? A woven wire fence can be hog wire, field fencing, or sheep wire with openings up to six inches square.  Also, horse wire in which the openings are about two by four inches. The heavier the gage of wire the more likely it will withstand attempts by deer to enter. The lower the gauge, the more expensive and heavier the wire will be. The eight foot high woven wire is often topped with a strand or two of barbed wire or high tensile wire. If two strands are used, they should be placed 10 inches apart.

Pros of Woven Wire

Woven wire is stronger that welded wire, but welded wire should be sufficient for deer. Wire comes in large rolls and you can buy it in varying lengths and widths. Woven wire fencing is usually made up of two four-foot sections of six-by twelve-inch wire mesh. Then it is joined by hog ring and attached at the poles. If possible, the bottom four foot width should be partially buried, or at least attached to the ground. Intervals should be close enough  to prevent the deer from squeezing under it. Woven wire fencing is usually attached to to 12-foot-tall posts, buried three to four feet deep.

Drawbacks to woven wire fencing include the difficulty to construct and the expense. After wood fencing, this is usually the most expensive type of fencing. The conspicuousness of the tall fence in the landscape is a definite negative. If the fence needs to be in a urban area. A benefit to woven wire is that it is long lasting and is very effective when deer pressure is high.

 Slanted Woven Wire Fencing

Slanting a wire fence takes advantage of the fact that deer can't clear both a wide and high fence at the same time. The fence should meet the ground at a 45 degree angle and be a total of six feet high with a spread of four feet. The pros and cons of a slanted wire fence include the same pros of long life and the con of expense, but with the added advantage that the fence doesn't have to be as high. The downsize however if that the fence is much wider and can take up to six feet of horizontal space.

Metal Hexagrid Fence

A metal hexagrid deer fence is a type of fencing designed specifically to keep deer out of a specific area. It is made up of a series of metal hexagonal-shaped grids that are strung together to create a barrier. The grids are usually made of a durable metal such as steel or aluminum, and they are typically tall enough to prevent deer from jumping over them.

The hexagrid design allows for a relatively lightweight and flexible fence that can be easily installed and removed, making it a popular choice for temporary fencing solutions. It's also has a better visibility than solid walls, which makes it a good option for areas where visibility is important, such as along roadways or in residential areas.

The fence is often used to protect gardens, orchards, vineyards, and other agricultural or landscaped areas from deer damage. It can also be used to keep deer out of residential yards or commercial properties.

It should be noted that metal hexagrid deer fence is not 100% effective in preventing deer from crossing, but it can significantly reduce the number of deer entering the protected area. 

Metal hexagrid deer fence is a heavy-duty 20-gauge chicken wire that has been coated with a weather resistant black pvc coating that reduces wear and tear as well as visibility. It is the perfect solution for keeping deer at bay because it’s low visibility prevents deer from being able to jump over it.

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