Learning To Perform Fertilization and Weed Control Services Gives You A Base To Build A More Profitable Business
If you are a mowing and maintenance company, adding Fertilization and Weed control services will change your life. These services are easier to do, with less employees, and higher profits. If you haven't started your business yet, this course will get you started on the right track.
Already doing Fertilzation and Weed control services but really don't know how to set up your services and equipment and products? If you have been just "winging it" this course is for you. This course will help you set up your services so that you use the right product at the right time and make your customers lawns as healthy as possible.

Are your call backs more than 4% ? This can eat away your profits and your customers loyalty.
If a customer has called to ask you to come back out, you have to work twice as hard to make up for it. The concequences can be far reaching. You are loosing your profit and possibly going in the hole. They might think twice about referring you to neighbors.
You have a full day scheduled for services. New customers, current customers, and a couple of evaluations. Then the phone rings. A customer with a 8K sq ft. lawn still has weeds that doin't know that they were sprayed last week. Some are grassy and some are broadleaf and you know they should be able to see progress.
On top of that, they live at the edge of your service area. Now you have to find an extra 45 minutes in the next couple of days that you won't be paid for. Not only won't you get paid, you will be paying for the labor and products a second time. Profit on that account is gone this round.
What are the neighbors that sae you service the lawn thinking? What is the customer telling their friends?
IUsing the right products at the right time and the right rate is crutial. Timing of pre-emergent can make or break your whole season.
There are ways to make your weed control mixes more effective, like adjusting the pH. There are smart ways to save money on weed control and fertilizer. Setting up purchases to take advantage of rebates and discounts. Knowing which products to combine and when to buy pre-combined.
There are hugh price differences in liquid vs granular products. The each come with advantages and disadvantages and these lesson will help you discover the best choices for both budget-friendly and effective product selection.
Fertilization and Weed Control Services Course
This online course is 18 videos and over 4 hours of online video training. The bonuses add another 3 videos with 1 1/2 hours of training. There are also 2 ebooks for Manager Mindset. There are over 20 downloads to offer additional information. Downloads include 11 professional weed control schedules, a field guide for quick turfgrass and weed identification, Cost tracking spreadsheet, yearly application schedule examples and more.
What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
After purchasing you will receive instant access to all lessons and materials. You should be able to finish to the course within a week. You will want to spend time downloading and reading the support materials. You will want to watch some of the videos multiple times and use them to train employees.
Start At the beginning
So many people in the lawn care business begin in the middle with servicing. We start with lawn measuring, soil testing, soil basics, and fertilizer and nutrient basics. You can't control the health of lawns without understanding these basics. Need for fertilization and weed control is greatly affected by pH and nutrient availability.
Weed identification
Lessons include weed control 101, broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, and sedges. How to tell them apart and how to focus on the weeds most likely to be growing in your region. Downloads include professional weed control yearly schedules for 11 situations and an identification photo guide you can use to pass your applicators test.
Understanding Product Purchasing
There is no shortage of weed control products and fertilizers. Products and labor will be your biggest exenses so it is important to buy the most effective products at the minimum cost. After these lessons you will understand pros and cons of use liquid or granular products. When to use combination products and products for hard-to-kill weeds.
Big Picture planning
A lesson on considering labor usage and hardship on workers vs the added expense of ride-on equipment and equipment that allows you to perform at least 2 services at one time. Includes weed control 101, broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, and sedges. When should you buy equipment and when should you lease or short term rent.
Lease or Buy lesson. Buying expensive equipment before you are ready can put a burden on your business that isn't necessary. Let me help you plan.. How to tell them apart and how to focus on the weeds most likely to be growing in your region. Downloads include professional weed control yearly schedules for 11 situations and an identification photo guide you can use to pass your applicators test.
service scheduling
We will cover scheduling and product application times. We have included example schedules with fertilization, weed control, and other services. We will discover getting professionals to make schedules for you for free and using other free resources.
Course Modules
Show them what’s in the course
The lessons include real case studies and experience I have gathered over the years. Traveling around the US working with lawn care business owners has shown me what works and doesn't work. Why some business make big profits and are very successful and why some go out of business.
I know what you need. Other programs can teach you about weed control products, but I can teach you about making the big decisions. Granular, Liquid, Combinations, Generics. Others can tell you to buy a sprayer and spreader, but I will help you make the important decisions before spending the big bucks.
Check Out These Bonuses!

Course Bonuses
We have tried to cover all the main topics in the basic course, but want you to enjoy more Minimize Expenses Maximize Profits information. Save money with calibration and make money with soil testing, Passing your applicators test is key to making the profits you need to grow.
Bonus 1 Calibration Lesson
Calibration of your sprayers and spreaders can help you save money by eliminating waste, reduce all backs,and minimize damage, Quick calibration should be done daily and complete done at least weekly.
Bonus 2 Soil Sampling
Soil Sampling has to be done right or the results will not be accurate. You can offer every customer soil testing and start taking soil samples right way. Soil samples lead to pH adjust ment services for increased profits.
Bonus 3 Passing Your Applicators Test
Having your Applicators License is key to your business. This lesson will help guide you to passing the test. If you have employees you can us this video to help them with their test.
Bonus 4: Mangers Mindset Bundle
Whether you are a solo owner or have several employees, it is important to have tips and tricks for motivation. You will find a lot of helpful information in the Bulletproof Motivation ebook.
Starting a new business or adding new services can be scary. You might find yourself avoiding customers because you don't want them to ask you questions you don't know the answers to. The ebook Overcome Imposter Syndrome will help you have confidence in yourself and remember that you are worthy of being successful and receiving money for your services.
Here’s what you’ll discover inside 1 % Better ebook.:
• How Kaizen started and how it works
• The 5S of Kaizen
• The balance between Kaizen and Kaikaku
• How to use the “one minute rule”
• How to use microworkouts and “tiny habits”
• The neuroscience of effective change
• How to correctly write goals
A Sustainable Business Offers Several Services. This Course Will Help You Add One Of The Most Requested
This is a temporary introductory price. Soon group coaching and a private Facebook group will be added and the price will jump. The profit from 2-3 lawns will more than pay for this course.
Fertilization and weed control
one-time purchase
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
If, for any reason, you don't learn anything new, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you get the course working for you or give you a swift refund.
Boost Your Profits. Add Upsells That Will Skyrocket Your Profits!
Download our free guide to learn about 5 upsells you can add to your business tomorrow.
A Personal Note
I encourage you to take the step towards higher earnings and learning your chosen business in a different way. If you are already offereing FWC services I think you will get a different perspective from years of experience and first hand management. Every detail counts if you want to make Maximum Profits. I am proud of this course and the information I am offering.
What Makes Our Courses Different ?
I have worked with businesses of all sizes. I have seen fear hold owners back from doing easy profitable services. I have seen over-spending put businesses with great potential out of business. Businesses having less than 90% customer retention and high employee turnover struggle needlessly. I know what works and doesn't work.
I have seen the patterns and watched results for years. Successful businesses all have the same basic strategies and structures.
I want you to succeed in your business. The key to a sustainable business is making a profit that will allow you to invest back in to the business. Enough profit to make your family comfortable. Enough to pay your employees well so they will stay with your long term. Enough that you can buy the best equipment and market for the future. Predictable income that allows your business sustainable growth each year. That's our goal.
I have seen what works and doesn't work all over the US. Using the 14 principles in the SUSTAIN PROFITS Strategy, you will succeed. Let me help you be successful. Let me show you what the highly successful businesses are doing.
Let me help you Minimize Your Expenses and Maximize Your Profits with smart business management. Our courses will get your started.